How to grow... Comfrey

Rocket Growing Guides

Comfrey is a perennial so will come back again year after year. Drawing minerals out of the soil and into its roots and leaves, Comfrey can be used as a compost accelerator, to make liquid manure, mulch, weed suppressant and as an insect attractor.

Please note: Comfrey should not be eaten.

  • Comfrey Growing Guide

How to Plant Comfrey

  • Comfrey spreads easily, so plant in a dedicated bed (we wouldn’t recommend growing in pots, as it will soon out grow the pot) – you could happily plant 3 plants to a 1m x 1m raised bed.
  • It will do best in slightly damp conditions in partial shade, but you can grow it in full sun too.
  • Plant 60cm apart

How to Grow Comfrey

  • Keep them watered during dry spells, other than that they are fairly self-sufficient

How to Harvest Comfrey

  • Best done towards the end of the summer when the plants are mature.
  • Wear gloves (they are prickly!), and cut the plants back to 5-10cm above soil level.
  • Put the leaves in a bucket of water and cover. (Approx 1kg leaves to 10l water)4-5 weeks later, you will have a potent smelling but very rich organic fertiliser to use. You can dilute this before applying to make it stretch further. Then add the soggy leaves to your compost pile.

Is Comfrey good for Companion Planting?

  • Comfrey is very popular with bees, making it a good addition. But most gardeners use it to make a fertiliser as described above.