• DELIVERY INFO: We are now shipping out Seed Potatoes – new potato orders will be shipped within 3 working days. Pre-Orders for Spring plants will be shipped from late April onwards - see FAQs

King Edward Seed Potatoes (Maincrop)

(10 Tubers)


Out of stock

For the best roasties!
This is a relatively late cropping variety, that is usually ready to harvest in September/October. It is one of the more popular varieties to grow, largely because of the flavour – it is just great for roast potatoes, and for mash. If your plot is prone to eelworm and blight, you may find the tubers fall victim, but otherwise it is a great variety for home growing.

Number of tubers (seed potatoes): 10

Variety: King Edward

In the kitchen: It is excellent for roasting, mashing and for making chips.

Delivery: We start shipping seed potatoes in February


Everything you need to know about these plants