Growing your own fruit can be a lot of fun, particularly when you’re growing something a little out of the ordinary. Here are our three favourites…

This is a tayberry, and when it’s fully ripe it’ll turn a lovely shade of deep purple. It’s a hybrid between a loganberry and a black raspberry and they’re great for crumbles and pies. One of the best things about them is that they are thornless so no prickles when you pick them!

Honey berry
The Honeyberry is actually a species of Honeysuckle with sweet and tasty blueberry like fruits. It is native to Eastern Siberia which means it won’t struggle with even the coldest British winter! Best grown in pairs for pollination.

Goji Berry
This is such a super fruit with lots of health benefits due to their essential nutrients which are alleged to be both mood lifting and immunity boosting. They grow really well in the UK and you get a great crop from just one plant.