Quick Growing Herbs for the Summer

Some of the faster growing herbs are just the ticket for adding flavour to summer salads and veggie dishes. Here are a few of our favourites that are easy to grow and quick to produce enough leaves for you to pick within a week or two of planting.


We find this herb is often overlooked, but it is SUCH a useful one for cutting a handful of feathery leaves and chopping them into salads to add a subtle aniseed flavour. It can really lift a plate of lettuce leaves! You’ll be able to cut regularly from our plants, and it’ll do well in pots or beds, in sun or light shade.


British basil (pictured), Greek Basil (great for window pots) and African Blue Basil (a lovely, bee-friendly perennial) are the ones we grow here at the farm. All three offer great flavour and will grow nice and quickly at this time of year.You can keep British Basil leafy and bushy for longer by cutting it back to a small pair of baby leaves. Great for making homemade pestos or sprinkling into pasta.

Quick Growing Herbs

Here are some of the essentials...!