When to Feed Tomatoes & Other Veg Plants


A lot of veggies will benefit from extra nutrients during the summer months. This article looks at when and how often to feed them, and what you can use…

Which veg plants need feeding?

As a very general rule, we would suggest feeding any veggies that are growing in containers, and any fruiting veggies – tomatoes, aubergine, sweetcorn, beans, peas, squash, courgette, cucumber – that are growing in the ground.

What about leafy crops and roots?

If you see signs of discolouration in the leaves, then you can give these a liquid feed too.

My plants look healthy? Do I still need to feed them?

No, you don’t NEED to feed them – if they are looking happy and healthy, then they may well have access to enough nutrients in the soil. However, keeping nutrient levels up will help nearly all veg plants to maintain health and ward off pest/disease.

How often should I feed them?

If they are growing in a container, you could add a liquid feed once every 1-2 weeks. If growing in the ground, once every 2-3 weeks would be sufficient.

Is it possible to feed too much or too often?

Yes, we would advise not going overboard. Too much of one nutrient can sometimes prevent another from being absorbed easily. Stick to the timings above, and then just water them normally and they should be fine.

What can I use?

We really like using wormcast fertiliser to make a tea – just mix 2 handfuls in a watering can, leave for a few minutes and then stir really well before watering your crops. Another option is to make a nettle or comfrey tea – cut the leaves, soak in a bucket of water for 2 weeks and then use the liquid as a concentrate, diluting it in a watering can before you apply it. You can then use the soaking leaves to top up your compost pile, or chop up and use as a mulch. Alternatively, you can buy an organic liquid feed – natural grower have a good one – follow the instructions on the label!