Down on the Farm…’tis the season!
(Posted by Mike, founder of Rocket Gardens) We’re Gathering Goodies for our Wreaths… The harvesting team are just starting the first of this year’s bay harvest. We have around 500…
(Posted by Mike, founder of Rocket Gardens) We’re Gathering Goodies for our Wreaths… The harvesting team are just starting the first of this year’s bay harvest. We have around 500…
If you’re growing your own over the winter, then now is the time to get ready to protect your plants on those cold frosty mornings. There’s nothing worse than seeing…
It might seem a little soon to be doing this, but if you have the odd free evening huddled in front of the fire then have a think about how…
The main aim of Rocket Gardens is to get people growing their own, no matter how green their fingers are, or aren’t. It’s so simple. We sow the seeds and…
If you’ve got a few pumpkins and squashes left after Hallowe’en then bring them on for Bonfire Night! This is a bit of a crowd pleaser, and it’s a really…
For those of you who don’t know too much about the Rocket Farm we thought we’d introduce a regular “Down on the Farm” slot in our Veg Out Newsletters to…
Growing fruit, particularly soft fruit like berries and currants, is really quite straightforward. But many people think it’s a tricky process and can be put off the idea of growing their own…
If you fancy growing your own raspberries (or blackberries) then it’s a good idea to get a bed ready for them while you’re waiting for your plants to arrive in…
You can either grow strawberries using strawberry runners or strawberry plants. Right now at Rocket Gardens, we’ve got lots of runners for you to choose from. A strawberry runner is…
Pumpkins and Squashes are one of the more satisfying vegetable types to grow, mainly because you really see a difference in them as they grow from tiny little nippers to huge…
October is something of a changeover month in the veg patch. It’s the time when all the remaining summer crops are harvested and cleared away, and the last chance to…
It’s worth pulling up any remaining beetroot and carrots this month and digging up any last potatoes. They all store well, so it’s best not to leave them in the…